Latency of DigitalOcean Spaces vs AWS S3

WakaTime’s infra is split across DigitalOcean and AWS. We use DigitalOcean Droplets for compute resources, AWS S3 to store code stats, and DigitalOcean Spaces for backups. You can find more info on th…

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Using a disk-based Redis clone to reduce AWS S3 bill

Redis is an in-memory database with very high write and read speed, and a limitation that data sets can’t be larger than available RAM. It’s like memcached but supports data structures instead of just…

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Track VS Code Time with WakaTime

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is an open source text editor popular with programmers favoring modern languages. With native support for traditional IDE features(jump to definition, find references, etc…

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WakaTime 2020 Programming Stats

Happy New Year… 2020 is finally over! In 2020, more than 250k developers spent a combined 36 million hours programming, tracked with WakaTime text editor plugins. The average person spent 51 minutes p…

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The Best Time Tracker for Programmers

If you’re an independent contractor writing software, then this post is for you. Even if you do project-based invoicing, accurate time tracking is important for measuring the effort you’re devoting to…

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Product updates and new features 2020 H1

Hello everyone, with COVID-19 we’re switching from quarterly to semiannual updates. Here are the new features we’ve been working hard to release. 🐦 Auto-Tweet your daily coding goals - To stay account…

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WakaTime 2019 Programming Stats

Happy New Year! In 2019, over 200k developers spent a combined 25 million hours programming, tracked with WakaTime text editor plugins! Programming stats for 2019. The top languages were JavaScript (5…

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Product updates and new features 2019 Q4

We’re excited to announce new features available 2019 Q4. 📊 Anonymous team dashboards - turn this on and only project totals are displayed, individual developer times are hidden. Enable anonymous team…

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How many hours have you spent on a project?

WakaTime dashboards show how long you were programming over set date ranges. To find the total hours for a project previously, you set the date on the project dashboard to when you started that projec…

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When is time tracking too accurate?

When is time tracking too accurate? The short answer: When you’re billing... remember to decrease granularity by increasing your timeout preference before billing clients. WakaTime is a very accurate …

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