WakaTime for Terminal Terminal

The open source plugin for productivity metrics, goals, leaderboards, and automatic time tracking.


WakaTime can track your Terminal usage if you use zsh, bash, iTerm2, fish, or PowerShell.

Installing for zsh (with project detection)

This one detects your project from your CWD, instead of putting all your time in the same project.

  1. python3 -c "$(wget -q -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wakatime/vim-wakatime/master/scripts/install_cli.py)".

  2. Using antigen: antigen bundle sobolevn/wakatime-zsh-plugin

    Using zgen: zgen load sobolevn/wakatime-zsh-plugin

    Or manually: cd ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins && git clone https://github.com/sobolevn/wakatime-zsh-plugin.git wakatime then add wakatime to the list of plugins in your .zshrc file.

  3. Make sure your API Key is in your ~/.wakatime.cfg file.

  4. Open a new terminal and type commands.

  5. Your zsh activity will be displayed on your WakaTime Dashboard.

Installing for zsh (without project detection)

This one puts all your time the same project named Terminal.

  1. Using antigen: antigen bundle wbingli/zsh-wakatime

    Using zgen: zgen load wbingli/zsh-wakatime

    Or manually: cd ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins && git clone https://github.com/wbingli/zsh-wakatime.git then add zsh-wakatime to the list of plugins in your .zshrc file.

  2. Make sure your API Key is in your ~/.wakatime.cfg file.

  3. Open a new terminal and type commands.

  4. Activity from the zsh-wakatime plugin always goes in the Terminal project, so visit https://wakatime.com/projects/Terminal to see your zsh activity.

Installing for bash

  1. python3 -c "$(wget -q -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wakatime/vim-wakatime/master/scripts/install_cli.py)".

  2. git clone https://github.com/gjsheep/bash-wakatime.git.

  3. Include the bash-wakatime.sh file in your ~/.bashrc file with this command:

    source path/to/bash-wakatime.sh

    But if you already have a PROMPT_COMMAND variable set, just merge your own pre_prompt_command with the following one.

  4. Make sure your API Key is in your ~/.wakatime.cfg file.

  5. Open a new terminal and type commands.

  6. Activity from the bash plugin always goes in the Terminal project, so visit https://wakatime.com/projects/Terminal to see your coding activity.

Installing for iTerm2

  1. Download WakaTime for Mac.

  2. Move WakaTime.app into your Applications folder, and run WakaTime.app.

  3. If prompted, enter your API Key then click Save.

  4. Use iTerm2 like normal and your coding activity will be displayed on your WakaTime Dashboard.

Installing for fish

  1. curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wakatime/vim-wakatime/master/scripts/install_cli.py | python3 -

  2. fisher install ik11235/wakatime.fish

  3. Make sure your API Key is in your ~/.wakatime.cfg file.

  4. Visit https://wakatime.com/dashboard to see your fish usage.

Installing for fish

  1. python3 -c "$(wget -q -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wakatime/vim-wakatime/master/scripts/install_cli.py)".

  2. Make sure your API Key is in your ~/.wakatime.cfg file.

  3. Copy the contents of fish-wakatime.sh into ~/.config/fish/functions/fish_prompt.fish.

  4. Fish should pick this up instantly.

  5. Activity from the fish plugin always goes in the Terminal project, so visit https://wakatime.com/projects/Terminal to see your coding activity.

Installing for Python REPLs

  1. Follow the instructions in the python-wakatime repo corresponding to the Python REPL you’re using.

  2. Make sure your API Key is in your ~/.wakatime.cfg file.

  3. Visit https://wakatime.com/dashboard to see your python repl usage.

Installing for Perl Reply REPL

  1. Follow the instructions in the reply-plugin-prompt repo.

  2. Make sure your API Key is in your ~/.wakatime.cfg file.

  3. Visit https://wakatime.com/dashboard to see your perl repl usage.

Installing for Lua REPL luaprompt

  1. Follow the instructions in the prompt-style.lua repo.

  2. Make sure your API Key is in your ~/.wakatime.cfg file.

  3. Visit https://wakatime.com/dashboard to see your lua repl usage.

Installing for Tcl REPL

  1. Follow the instructions in the tcl-prompt repo.

  2. Make sure your API Key is in your ~/.wakatime.cfg file.

  3. Visit https://wakatime.com/dashboard to see your tcl repl usage.

Installing for Powershell

  1. Choose which Powershell implementation you want to use:

  2. Follow the installation instructions in your chosen repo.

  3. Make sure your API Key is in your ~/.wakatime.cfg file.

  4. Visit https://wakatime.com/dashboard to see your Powershell usage.

Installing for Bash

  1. Follow the instructions in the bash-prompt repo.

  2. Make sure your API Key is in your ~/.wakatime.cfg file.

  3. Visit https://wakatime.com/dashboard to see your Bash usage.

Installing for GDB

  1. Follow the instructions in the gdb-prompt repo.

  2. Make sure your API Key is in your ~/.wakatime.cfg file.

  3. Visit https://wakatime.com/dashboard to see your GNU Project Debugger usage.

WakaTime plugins collect file path and project names from your IDE. Learn more about data collected and privacy.